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Friday Link Love

Howdy, friends! How’s everyone’s week been? Mine has been so so nice, with some unexpected yet much needed time away from the computer. I’m actually coming at you live from the car at the tail end of a road trip back from North Dakota. This weekend will be spent packing and getting ready for next week’s move and I am so excited to finally get settled. And to get all of my stuff out of storage that has been hiding away for the last year. It’s going to be like Christmas unpacking and seeing all of my things again. So with that said, it may continue to be a little bit quieter than usual around these parts for the next few days, but then I’ll be back in full force and ready to take you on the journey with me as I work on whipping the new place into shape. Stay tuned! In the meantime, have a fabulous weekend!


[Photo by Gypsy Fables. Prints available here.]

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